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Here are some drawings from my growing-up period, both as a woman and as an artist. Meet my younger self who was too shy to look people in the eyes and believed herself to be the most unloveable girl in the Universe. Luckily, there was always art, drawings, literature to express her frustration, love, hate, every emotion she dared not to communicate another way. Nudity of the body is nothing, it's the nudity of the soul which matters most.

There is my Dad who passed away several years ago. Here's my Mum - I'm not sure if it's the way she is but it's definitely the way I saw her motherly love back then and how I see her even now. Sadly though, she will never have enough interest to look at all the paintings I created to resolve our relationship in my troubled soul.

And there is the biggest miracle of all, my daughter - in my younger years of silence and fear I had never dreamt about such an honour as having a child of my own. 

There are also some demons I used to draw and wonder why nobody else seems to be haunted by them.





L'aigre-douce histoire des triangles
Sleep Well, Daddy
Don't cry, Daddy
Mother Love
Soul Murderer Mother
Younger Self
Pure/ Naked/ Rebel
Eat Me
Ma Petite
Ma Petite
Ma Petite
Ma Petite
Le Chat
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