Photo: Lilita Baumane
"Have we met before?" is a travelling small-format performance for any audience anywhere, starting 14th January 2023 in Liepāja. Kristīne Brīniņa is performing the show with her Childish Double - a doll made by artist Velta Emīlija Platupe. (The sketches are also by her.) Our stage will be a multifunctional chair designed by Leonid Rothbardt.
The story of the performance will be based on reviewing our common memories of life, the present moment and describing the desired future - as if the future were our present - real and alive.
The impetus for the work is the novel "The Never Ending Story" by the German writer Michael Ende. The book says that without memories it is impossible to wish. The most difficult path is to find one's true wish, which leads to the water of life. The performance will balance between fantasy and reality, fiction and documentary, blurring the boundaries between the real and the imaginary.
Velta Emīlija Platupe is the puppeteer, sketch and set designer of the performance.
Thanks to Paula Purniņa and Cita Abra for production.
Thank you Liepājas Kultūras pārvalde and Valsts kultūrkapitāla fonds for financial support.
Thanks to Laura Sileniece for the poster design.
Thanks to Belgian artist Benjamin Verdonk, whose artistic gesture during the 2020 pandemic inspired the form of the performance - a small-scale performance for anyone, anywhere, as long as there is someone who is ready to watch the performance - in a park, at a bus stop, in a hospital, in a children's playground