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      «Je sais tous tes sortilèges» («I know all your sorceries») was my first collection of paintings based on Tantra philosophy. I was strongly influenced by Indian erotic miniatures from 15th - 19th century.

      These are paintings of love, witchcraft and sexuality as I saw them during the winter 2013 which was extremely long and cold in Latvia. I spent the winter in solitude with my colors and brushes, dreaming about love the way it should be and the way I will never experience it. My little daughter wondered what her mummy could do all alone in the studio all day long. She came to see me from time to time. I painted tigers and lions for her, all sorts of wild cats, so each day she exclaimed : « Oh, kitty, kitty ! Mummy's picture ! » , because it was the time she learned to speak. Later, when she will grow up a little bit, I will show her these paintings to explain that this is the way we make babies. Observe them preferably during the summer solstice and let the art of love transform you.


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